Tips to write a resume for the job you want in 2021

2021 is being referred to as a year of change and hope. And what can be a bigger change than starting a new career. But to open new doorways for yourself in the industry, you must have a proper updated resume. It is the key to create a positive impression on hiring managers and landing interviews. However, resume writing can be pretty daunting for job seekers. You might be unaware of the recent trends and confused about what to say about yourself. No matter what the reason is, we bring you this helpful guide to remedy that.
Understand the hiring process
A common complaint coming from millennial job hunters is that their resumes are not being seen by the right people. Applying online can be time-consuming and discouraging that is why it is important to understand the hiring process. It helps you identify your resume’s role and how it can be improved to stand out from hundreds like it. The procedure can vary slightly from one organization to next, but the basics stay as following:
- A manager or team leader they need a new person to fill a position, so they notify the HR department.
- The HR team forms a description according to the position’s needs and post it to the Applicant Tracking System. The job is then posted on platforms like Glassdoor or LinkedIn.
- The ATS collects all the resumes that come in response and chooses the ones which best match the keywords in the job description.
- The candidates who appear on top of that selection process will then be considered for interview.
Write not just with the bots in view but also human readers
You are now aware of what your resume has to go through before getting accepted. ATS is the foremost gateway that needs to be crossed by your resume to reach human scrutiny. But that does not mean it should be written with just the perspective of getting it past the software. It should be equally balanced to satisfy the ATS, HR, and the final observation of the supervisor or manager.
Keep a narrow job target
A winning and effective resume specifically targets a single job posting. That way you can present yourself in the best possible way as a worthy candidate for the position. A targeted resume demonstrates that you comprehend the goals you are meant to accomplish in a particular job. And that you have the experience, skills, and qualification to meet those goals. If you are applying for various different roles than its better to create specific resumes to cater each.
Important elements to get your resume past ATS
Applicant Tracking Systems have been part of the employment process since the 90s. You must know exactly what it can and cannot comprehend to ensure your resume is accepted by this software. Remember the following points while creating your application:
- ATS isn’t capable of reading text appearing in headers or footers.
- Text boxes are incomprehensible to it as well.
- It does not have any preference for underlined, bold, colored or any type of embellished font.
- Charts, graphs, and photos cannot be seen either by the software.
- It scans text from left to right so any information in column from will not be read correctly.
- MS Word documents are read more accurately by ATS than PDF.
Keep all these aspects in mind when designing your resume. The software is programmed to search for particular keywords and text structures. Therefore you must make sure that your document is formatted according to that.
Use color conservatively and strategically
A resume is not merely a list of a person’s skills and professional history. It is also a sort of marketing document and color strategy is a major tactic used in branding. Keep it professional by only picking neutral colors for name, section headings and other prominent elements. Two colors are just the right number to use in your document’s design. Keep the rest of the font a standard black so that everything looks organized.
Attach your profile link on LinkedIn
Firstly, you must have a profile on LinkedIn to stay ahead with modern industry trends. It is the first place where a hiring manager or HR would look for a background check. It is a free and easy method of validating your career history. Hence, include your profile link in the resume in the contact information area. Indicate in a simple sentence that further information about you can be found on LinkedIn like if you are a writer so you can add that you are working personal statement writing service uk website. It is a great platform to display your work-related achievements and experiences which cannot fit in a resume.
Analyze job postings
As mentioned previously, job postings are created by the HR department based on the requirements described by team leaders. They convey exactly what qualities should be in the applying candidate. These are critically important points so they must be included in your resume for it to be accepted. Read carefully through the posting and find answers to these questions:
- What are the primary goals of the role?
- Which skills and qualifications are required for it?
- The traits of an ideal candidate for the role?
If you can respond to these questions after reading the posting, then you can understand what is expected from you. And you can include precisely that information in your resume.
These were some winning resume tips that can help you get an interview for any job position in 2021. It is always better to get the help of experts in a matter as important as getting your dream job. Our services provide the resume writing services dubai that will impress any hiring manager in no time.