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What Is Cubic Zirconia and Why Do People Buy It?

When you’re buying cubic zirconia jewelry, it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting. Is the gemstone really diamond? Or are you being ripped off with an imitation? With so many questions surrounding this popular gemstone, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Read on to learn everything you need to know about cubic zirconia and why people buy it.


Where does cubic zirconia come from?

Like a diamond, cubic zirconia is a gemstone. It’s actually a crystalline form of zirconium dioxide that can be used to create diamonds. While both materials have a similar structure, cubic zirconia has simpler physical properties compared to diamonds; it’s also more translucent. And while you can purchase jewelry items made out of cubic zirconia, they are typically sold as inexpensive alternative to diamond jewelry. That’s why there are no industry standards regarding weight or clarity for cubic zirconia—it’s not real. The material is heated in order to turn it into diamonds, but once cooled down again its properties change back into being cubic zirconium oxide instead of those of an actual diamond. So, if you see someone selling cubic zirconia diamonds they aren’t really diamonds at all.

Instead, these stones are just created by heating up regular cubic zirconia until it becomes transparent. This process allows light to pass through and appear white from every angle. These stones do look like a diamond from afar, but upon closer inspection you’ll notice some differences between them: For one thing, they will feel heavier than an actual diamond. Additionally, under certain lighting conditions (such as fluorescent lights) their color may appear slightly yellowish or even brownish (unlike pure white diamonds). When purchasing cubic zirconia jewelry keep in mind that these stones don’t cost very much money due to their relatively low value (and lack of authenticity). However, some sellers claim that these stones are worth much more than what they’re charging customers for them.


How is cubic zirconia made?

Of course, cubic zirconia is a relatively new gem. The material as we know it wasn’t invented until 1976. Before that, people used artificial diamonds to create fake gemstones that imitated rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and other jewels. And while there are some similarities between real and fake gems—both have hardness of 8.5 on Mohs’ scale of mineral hardness—it’s impossible to pass off cubic zirconia as any type of gemstone except for diamond because they lack birefringence (the property of exhibiting double refraction). They also lack dispersion, which means they don’t create a rainbow effect when placed under a microscope in oil or water. So what’s next for cubic zirconia? Well, it depends on how much you like sparkle.

In addition to being an inexpensive alternative to diamonds, CZ can be created in colors other than white and can even be made into fakes with different cuts and levels of fire (the flashes of light you see when looking at a faceted stone). But if you’re looking for something more than just sparkle, then you might want to consider alternatives such as moissanite or lab-grown stones. Both materials offer many benefits over CZ including higher brilliance, greater durability, increased luster and fewer impurities.

cubic zirconia

However, both cost significantly more than cubic zirconia—which is why so many people still choose CZ over these alternatives. After all, not everyone wants to spend thousands of dollars on a single piece of jewelry. And that’s OK! Not everyone needs to buy fancy cut diamond engagement rings. Cubic zirconia is meant for those who simply want their jewelry to look beautiful and who don’t care about paying extra money for added prestige. Just remember: You get what you pay for. If your heart is set on having a fancy ring with big bling, then expect to pay big bucks—because only a diamond will do!


Different types of CZ

The Spruce The oldest known diamond dates back to 3 billion years ago. Diamonds have been associated with love, wealth, and luxury since that time. But if diamonds are so rare, why do they cost so much? Before we get into that, let’s cover what diamond is first. What Is a Diamond? A diamond is actually an allotrope of carbon in its purest form. Carbon is one of Earth’s most common elements, but not all forms of carbon are easily accessible for us to use for fashion or jewelry making. What makes diamonds special is their crystalline structure—carbon atoms bonded together in a hexagonal lattice that makes them transparent and hard enough to cut glass.

When you look at a diamond under a microscope, you can see each individual carbon atom in its tiny hexagonal cage. This unique structure gives diamonds many of their physical properties: they sparkle like no other gemstone; they refract light better than any other gemstone; and they also happen to be incredibly strong. You may notice that your diamonds scratch easier than your cubic zirconia earrings—that’s because CZ doesn’t have these same qualities! How Are Diamonds Made?


Where to buy cubic zirconia jewellery

While you can buy loose CZ stones, it’s more common to buy them in jewelry pieces such as rings, necklaces, earrings or bracelets. To avoid buying fake CZ, it’s best to only buy from reputable jewelry sellers. For example, most major jewelers carry cubic zirconia in their stores. Some jewelers make their own fake cubic zirconia that is actually created with natural diamonds ground down into small chunks or a white sapphire mixed with metal fillings. Diamonds are one of the hardest substances known to man and sapphires are on par with other precious gemstones (such as rubies), so both are durable enough for everyday wear. If you’re unsure whether your CZ stone is real or not, ask your jeweler to verify its authenticity. If they’re reluctant to do so, find another jeweler who will be honest with you about what you’re buying.


DIY tips for making your own jewelry

If you’re a creative person, it can be hard to resist making your own jewelry. You might be wondering how to make sure that your jewelry creation matches up with what consumers are looking for. These tutorials will help you understand how different techniques affect not only price but also durability.

As you get a feel for what works best. It won’t be long before you feel confident designing your own custom creations—and maybe even selling them! (You’ll need to register as a business first.) To make sure your designs look authentic. You may want to consult with a jeweler or gemologist in order to identify any problems or common issues. And if you’re unsure where to start, don’t worry. A lot of online businesses offer custom jewelry design services at affordable prices. With a little time and research. You’ll be able to create beautiful handmade pieces people will love without breaking the bank!c

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