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How Can You Identify A Real Leather Jacket?

Leather jackets have always been the hot talk among bikers and racers. What makes them so especial? the answer is definitely the premium qualities of leather itself and its advantages. Leather is probably the only fabric material which hasn’t been out of fashion or trend lists since forever. Even decades couldn’t harm the charm of it, let alone any other fabric replacement. Buying a leather jacket is an investment for life. Leather material never really wears off if taken care of appropriately. The main and major question is: how can you recognize real and genuine leather?

Due to high and extreme demands some retailers have come up with fake leather fabrics and often sell them off by labeling them as authentic. Sigh but yes this happens so we got you covered for your next encounter with such circumstances. Real Leather Jackets speaks for itself but somehow counterfeits have now improved their deceiving powers even more to make a fool out of their customers. But as they say the king never loses its crown, the same goes for leather. Original leather has its own distinctive qualities which can easily help an individual in search of leather jackets pretty easily and save your money from being spent over something fake.

Leather jackets, apparel, and accessories are luxurious, well-crafted and, of course, expensive. So, when you decide to invest in genuine leather it is important that you avoid the faux pas of purchasing faux leather jackets. Follow these steps to ensure maximum belief of buying the right product without a doubt!

1. Go for the label

All genuine leather wear has a label or a tag stating about the nature of the product. Genuine leather products include a label indicating that the product is genuine leather. Real and proud manufacturers actually display their product off with proper tags and labels since their product is genuine, they won’t hide away from owning up to the promising quality. Reputable companies won’t even mess with their brand name or product to maintain a good image and reputation among the market and competitors. Manufacturers are eager to show that their products are the real deal so the label should be easy to spot. If the label says, “man-made materials” or if the product comes without any tag or guarantee card then it’s pretty easy to guess that you’re about to be scammed by huge brands and manufacturers in the name of quality. So now for the time, we have prepared you to look for a tag or label which indicates authenticity. If relying on a label alone is too risky for you, the rest of the tips can help you determine how real it really is.

2. Take a sniff:

You might feel awkward standing in the aisle of a store smelling a leather jackets but the smell of the product is quite a big indicator and test of it being genuine leather. Real leather has a distinct and particular smell that cannot be replicated by synthetic, fake leather. Practice with some products you already own and know are authentic leather wear so you can become familiar with the distinctive smell of genuine leather.

 3. Feel the Texture

Real leather is smooth and consistent to the touch. It has a rich profound texture and the material is heavy. Leather has very earthy tones to it in the formation stage so this a point to check. Real leather is also generally less consistent in texture because it is natural and harder to regulate. If the leather seems too soft and slippery it’s probably fake. Fake leather has a plastic feel to it and now you know what you have to do in such circumstance, save that money and run!

4. Examine the corner stitches and edges

The stitching palette and edges are another way to differentiate among fake and real leather. The smoother the finish, the faker the product. Since leather is natural anything added into it for refinement purposes can make it look cheap and like plastic. It’s difficult to regulate genuine leather. If you now see or come across a fake processed leather jacket feel lucky and blessed that you’ve been saved!

To further polish and improve leather distinguishing qualities of yourself, spend time comparing leathers that you know are fake with ones you know are genuine. With practice you will be able to see if the piece you are shopping for is the real deal and worth the cost. Good luck!


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