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Choosing The Right Technology Stack For iOS App Development

With the increasing popularity of Apple devices, creating iOS applications has become essential for eCommerce business owners. For this, you can easily hire iOS developer to get started in the process of application development. However, creating an iOS app and bringing sales via it are two entirely different stories. Further, to make an iOS app a crucial part of business development, it is crucial for you to create a proper development strategy. By doing so, you can easily improve your development speed, app quality, efficiency, and brand image. So, starting on the right foot by choosing a proper development plan that suits your business needs is important.

However, if this sounds like an overwhelming process to you, spending time doing proper research beforehand is a must. Further, you can also take assistance from your iPhone app development company for taking business-specific decisions for your application. With this article, we will take an in-depth look into the right choice of the technology stack that can make your iOS application thrive at its best. But before we dive into it, let us first understand some of the components of the iOS application to understand aspects where you need to make business-specific choices.

Components Of iOS Application Development

Creating an iOS application that allows your business to cater to your target audience includes the use of multiple technologies for manifesting the required functionalities. So, understanding how the choice of technology can affect the functionality of each of these aspects is crucial for ensuring a smooth development process. Merchants can also take assistance from an iPhone mobile app development company to understand the effects and functionality of these components. Below is a detailed list of components of iOS application development and the aspects of the application the govern:

  1. Design: The design part of the iOS apps includes what you see on the front end of your application. It has the UI/UX aspects that directly interact with the target audience and brings the user information to the application. For creating iOS UI/UX, you need to use technologies that would provide high speed, responsiveness, modern UI/UX components, etc.                                                                    
  2. Client-Side Development: Client-side aspect of your iOS app holds the business logic in it. This aspect is responsible for providing functionality to your iOS application. To make this aspect a powerful agent, you need to make the right choice amongst the options available for the iOS app development process. 
  3. Server-Side Development: The server-side of your application is developed by iOS app development services to securely hold user data and provide them with the required information as well. It includes a server in which your iOS app is hosted along with your application’s database. 

Each of the above components governs the efficiency of your iOS application. Hence, choosing wisely for every aspect is a must for you to ensure efficient application performance and consistent conversions.

Choosing The Right Technology stack for iOS App Development

Choosing the right technology includes figuring out the technologies for every component of your iOS app. Further, you must choose the right combinations as well. It would govern the app’s performance, security, and user experience. Below is a detailed list of technology for each of these components:


Having an interactive, consistent, and fast UI can help you keep the app visitors engaged with your brand for the long run. Further, the proper design also enables users to find relevant information quickly. It also plays a crucial role in enhancing the application’s reliability. Below is a detailed list of the technology stack you can ask your hire iOS developer to consider for the app development process: 

  • Swift UI: Swift UI is a UI toolkit designed and developed by Apple inc. It has various libraries and UI/UX components, developers can use these along with Swift for creating unique iOS applications. 
  • React: If you are planning to opt for Hybrid app development, using React along with react-native for app development will help you have a unique frontend. 
  • HTML/CSS/BootStrap: For apps that use minimal UI components using the traditional HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for creating the view can also yield great results. However, this demands your iOS app development company to carefully craft UI/UX for different screen sizes, which might turn out to be a time-consuming process. 

Client-Side Development

Choosing the right development technology for your iOS application plays an important role in the process. With the use of the right technology, you will be able to implement business-specific functionalities with ease. Below is a list of popular technologies you can use for creating iOS apps:

  • Swift: Swift is one of the most popular technologies for creating iOS apps. It is launched and maintained by Apple’s developer community and sports an easy learning curve for beginners. Swift is capable of facilitating unique mobile apps with high-speed, unique features, and security.
  • Objective C: Objective C is the oldest language used for creating iOS apps. Although it provides iOS app stability, it can not help merchants develop modern and feature-rich applications. So, if this aligns with your business needs, you can adapt to it.
  • React Native: If you need to create both iOS and Android applications, React-Native can be a great aid. React Native is a React-based mobile application development technology. It allows users to use the same codebase for both Android and iOS devices. Hence, it can be an affordable and quicker alternative to native application development. 

Server-Side Development

Choosing the right technology on your server-side plays a key role in maintaining your application’s stability. With the help of the right technology on your server-side, you can enhance the security, performance, and user experience:

  • MySQL: MySQL is a simple query language that developers use for storing data. It is one of the oldest technologies for creating databases. It allows users to perform all the basic storage functionality along with maintaining security.  
  • Mongo DB: For having an easy, fast, and interactive database, MongoDB can be a great option. It is a no query database which allows developers to store data without using complicated queries. Further, it can blend in easily with React Native-based codebase for providing improved interaction and performance. 
  • Firebase: Firebase is a unique cloud-based database powered by Google. If you are planning to develop an enterprise-level iOS application with the help of a hire iOS developer it is a perfect choice. It not only provides unlimited space for storing data but also makes data storage risk-free. In the case of other databases, once the physical location of the server is accessible to third parties merchants can easily lose important data and information. However, by storing in the cloud merchants can easily avoid such accidents.

To Wrap Up

Creating an iOS application successfully includes understanding your business requirements at first. Once, you have an idea about your business’s needs, you can easily choose the right technology stack to provide the best UI/UX. Further, you can combine off-beat third-party tools accordingly to provide the required features.  

From the above discussion, you can easily compare the business needs and choose the right combination of tools. Further, you can also choose to hire iOS developer. They can help you with the process of making choices. So if you’re planning to create an iOS app for your business, choose from the above-mentioned list for crafting a profitable and scalable iOS app for your business.

Also Read: 5 Predictions for the Future of IoT and Mobile App Integration

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