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5 Reasons Why You Need a Power Inverter for Home this Summer

Have you been experiencing frequent and long power cuts that have made the summer heat unbearable for you and your family? Well if you have then it’s high time you bring home a power inverter that will help ensure your and your family’s comfort this summer season. And just in case power cuts are rare in your area, we still have some valid reasons as to why you should consider buying a power inverter for your home. 

Let’s see what these reasons are.

1. It keeps the home cool during a power cut.

The summers are getting hotter with each passing year.  While a few decades ago, a few hours of power cut didn’t matter much, these days the power cuts are unbearable. It’s almost impossible to bear even a 20-30 minute power cut during a scorching summer day. The only way to survive the power cut is to bring home a power inverter that helps keep the home cool during the power cut. In fact, you may be surprised to know that some heavy duty power inverters can even run your air conditioner and other heavy duty appliances during a power cut.

2. It is a must for people working from home.

These days a lot of people have started working from home. The same is true for school and college going students who have been attending online classes from home. Considering the various benefits associated with work-from-home and study-from-home, it seems like the trend is only going to rise in the coming years. Therefore, it becomes important to ensure uninterrupted power supply in homes and that is possible only if you have a power inverter. Installing a power inverter will not just help you continue your work and studies uninterrupted, but it will also help you avoid any data loss in case of a power outage.

3. It helps protect home electronics and appliances.

Have you ever experienced a voltage or a power surge that damaged any of your home appliances or electronics? If not then chances are you may have heard some such stories from a friend or a known person. Well, damage to electronic and home appliances is common in areas that experience frequent power surges or voltage fluctuations. A power inverter helps regulate the voltage and thereby protects the home electronic devices from any damage. And that’s not all, a power inverter also helps reduce the risk of fire by keeping the voltage in check.

4. It doesn’t pollute the environment.

Unlike diesel generators that cause a lot of pollution, the power inverters cause no pollution. In fact, recently some governments in North India, even banned the use of diesel generators (in some cities) on a temporary basis. That’s because the air pollution index in those cities was on the rise and therefore the governments had to ban the use of diesel generators as one of the measures to improve the air quality. So, if you care for the environment and for your family’s health, you should shift to a power inverter as soon as possible. 

5.It costs much less than a generator.

If you compare the price of a diesel generator and that of a power inverter, you will be surprised to know there’s a big price difference between the two. The power inverters are much cheaper as compared to a diesel generator. What’s even better is the fact that the cost of running a power inverter is also much less as compared to running a generator. Another point worth noting is the cost of running diesel generators is rising at a very fast rate as the diesel prices across the country are rising sharply. A power inverter, on the other hand, gets charged using the same electricity that powers your home appliances, and therefore it’s more cost effective.

Need more reasons?

We assume that by now you would be already convinced that a power inverter is a necessity that you can’t afford to ignore. Considering this, we suggest you visit Luminous India’s website and check out the large range of power inverters they have to offer. Whether you need a basic inverter to run your fans, tubes and LED TV or you need a heavy duty power inverter that lets you run your AC, washing machine and other heavy duty appliances, you will surely find an inverter based on our power needs.

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